Blog Reflections

Blog Post 10.7

As we approach the second month of the semester, I’ve taken some time to reflect on the lectures, past assignments, and what we have done in class so far. From the discussions to the documenters project, I believe that what I have enjoyed the most is creating this website and the digital journalism story assignment. 

Firstly, having my name on a domain name is something that I have wanted to have since I decided to study journalism. For various reasons, I waited to create a website, and I believe this class was the perfect opportunity to start learning about it. Secondly, I am thrilled for our digital journalism story assignment because I get to interact with street vendors, as my project will focus on a day in the life of street vendors. The majority of the street vendors that I have seen are Mexicans, and I am excited to connect with my culture. Overall, I am eager to learn more about digital journalism.


Welcome to Cassie Writes


My name is Cassie, and I am finishing up my senior year at San Diego State University, where I am majoring in Journalism. My interests include magazine print, lifestyle journalism and celebrity journalism. Since I was a little girl, I have found passion in asking questions and storytelling. As I grew up, I realized that I leaned more towards listening than talking; I believe I have a talent of listening to people and asking for every detail of a story that is being said to me. I am excited to learn and to be in this class Digital Journalism (JMS 430).

After I graduate SDSU in spring of next year, I hope to move near or in Los Angeles so I can start my career of pursuing celebrity journalism. My dream is to interview famous people on their upbringing and their lives before fame changed everything. My ultimate goal is to create my own magazine that focuses on micro-celebrities and helps push their careers further.